
“I had the privilege of helping Father Feller, along with a few others, in presenting the Praying From Within retreat several times. My initial observation was the excitement of the participants coming to the retreat. There was this thirst for wanting to gain knowledge of the Three Persons of the Holy Trinity, as well as for wanting to develop a personal relationship with God. Many came away with a better understanding of prayer as a relationship with God. All presenters were in agreement that the Holy Spirit was present among all of us throughout this experience. I got a sense that many of the participants want to learn more about the Catholic faith and improve their personal faith and connection with God. This Praying From Within retreat is a great beginning for faith formation as it is all about prayer. From a personal perspective, I have begun to experience a more enthusiastic relationship with God in my prayer life, as I helped others in the development of their relationship with God.”

--Jim Jansen

"We hosted a mini retreat in our home with Catholic Passage and it was a wonderful experience. It gave us the opportunity to get to know some members of our school community better and we had some really great conversations. The fruits of this event were immediately evident, as less than 24 hours after our retreat I was contacted (by someone not even involved in the retreat) to spearhead a new project directly related to the topic of our conversation the day before. I fully believe the Holy Spirit was present with us that day and guiding me towards this new undertaking.”

--From a Catholic school parent of five

“It was great to have some time set aside to connect with other moms to not only share the struggles and joys of parenting but even more so how our faith and our relationship with our Lord frames the way we think about parenting and interact with our children. The intimate setting was a wonderful way to connect and share with one another. As we continue to meet on our own, our small group of women can continue to reflect and share on many things that were touched on during the retreat demonstrating its lasting fruitfulness.”

--From a mother of seven, Holy Trinity - Fort Dodge

  1. Favorite parts: Having a conversation with Fr. Feller at our table during the break, and Wade’s part of his presentation.
  2. Least favorite parts: NONE! Everything was good!
  3. Take away: How to pray, praying like a pirate (ARRR!)
  4. Call to action: Try to pray like a pirate! Also, conversations with parents are important and we should put down our phones!
  5. Comments: “He was really cool!” “He wasn’t boring!” “We had a splendidly fantastic time!” “He was good!” “Arrrrrrrrr!”

-- from the Eighth Graders at St. Mary’s Parish, Humboldt, Iowa