
Our Perspective

The blessings of natural reason and supernatural faith inform our perspectives upon God and creation, including all things human. We respect the guidance of natural reason, Sacred Scripture, and the Tradition of the Catholic Church.

Catholic Passage, formally known as Dialogues in Catholic Education, seeks to help the lay faithful receive and live their identity and mission as expressed in the teachings of the Second Vatican Council, especially regarding the Church’s participation in Jesus’ prophetic mission. The first chapter of John’s Gospel points out how God speaks to the world through Jesus, the Incarnate Word. Both mysteries of the Incarnation and Holy Trinity shine a light upon our understanding and reverence for the gift of dialogue in the work of Catholic Passage.

Pope Francis wrote, “As the Apostle Paul says, ‘in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body’ (1 Cor 12:13)… …Consequently, all the baptized are called to take part in the Church’s life and mission. Without real participation by the People of God, talk about communion risks remaining a devout wish” (Introductory Letter to the Synod on Synodality).

As a community of faith, we engage in fellowship, prayer, and dialogue as a way of helping adults participate in the mission of the Church as prophetic witnesses to the next generation. Our first step in dialogue is listening to God speak in Scripture and through the witness of the Church. Christian dialogue in the Incarnate Word, by the power of the Holy Spirit, leads us to greater conversion and reception of the Father’s Blessed Life.