
Abide In Me...

Giving God Space In Your Life to Grow Together






Catholic Passage guides and supports parents and educators by offering in-person mini retreats and seminars. These retreats are simple, tailored to the needs and desires of the participants, as well as built upon Sacred Scripture, prayer, dialogue, and fellowship. While participants will receive practical ways they can pass on the Catholic faith and way of life to their children and students, the retreat is first an opportunity for them to be with God. Catholic Passage requires the written permission of the pastor to enter within his parish boundaries to assist in a private or public mini retreat. We do offer remote support for fostering faith events with your friends or family.

Past Retreat Topics

Praying From Within:  During this retreat, we reflect upon Jesus’ life of prayer as revealed through Sacred Scripture. Guided by the teachings of Blessed Columba Marmion, Fr. Armand Nigro, S.J., and St. Cyprian, lay men and women share the richness of praying from within the life of the Holy Trinity shared with us in Holy Baptism. Fellowship, silent prayer, discussion, presentation, and Eucharistic Adoration make for a splendid place to receive and respond to God’s love for you.


The Catholic Faith - More Caught Than Taught:  During this retreat, parents reflect upon how their examples and family culture invite their children to embrace the Catholic way of life as their own – not by command, but naturally and freely. Participants receive time and guidance to prayerfully reflect upon God’s presence in their homes, discuss with other parents, learn simple applications of the faith in the home, and create their own intentional plans for transforming their homes as places of encountering the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


The Heart of the Father’s Love for You & Your Children:  Jesus, the Good Shepherd, protects, blesses, and guides his disciples. Through this retreat’s silent prayer, discussion, and teaching, participants are invited to join Jesus and Holy Spirit, as together, they bless, protect, and guide the children in their care. As the participants abide in Jesus and share the love of the Good Shepherd with their children, the Heart of the Father’s love will be better known.


I Have Called You Friends:  This retreat is for school personnel who desire to have a culture of Christian friendship in their school community. The retreat content comes from Sacred Scripture, the writings of Aristotle, Dr. John Cuddeback, Dr. Bob Schuchts, Sr Columba Guare and the artwork of Sr. Grace Remington. Retreatants can expect to engage a simplified perspective on Christian friendship that is forged in forgiveness that begins with Jesus. 


Gathered to Himself & Encouraged in Christ:  In 1 Thessalonians 5:11, Paul exhorts, “Therefore, encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing.” This retreat is geared toward parents who desire to foster greater unity and encouragement among parents and families. 


Bloom Where You’re Planted:  This series of days of reflection and discussion brought the Catholic faith, parenting, and holistic growth together in an engaging consideration of parenting in a broken world that still holds great promise.


A Communal Contribution to Culture:  This retreat is about the value of education as a passing-on of culture. Participants are encouraged to recommit to their proximate or remote contribution to the education and formation of children.


Photos of Past Retreats